Tuesday 23 September 2014

The Wool Garden

The Wool Garden


And ready to knit - I am that cold!

Who says village shows can't be fun? - this was one I did earlier (Aug Bank Holiday) in a heavenly deluge which showed no sign of stopping all day. The Lea Village show was celebrating 70 years of village jollity and so it was very sad when it had to close early for the first time in its history owing to mud!  We really enjoyed the cauliflower sheep and cabbage tortoise in the vegetable animals category in  the large marquee.

More unbelieveable than that though was our dogs Bob and Molly won a couple of classes in the dog show - we were flabbergasted as none of us had ever been in the professional ring before. All thanks to Pumpkin their Junior dog handler!! - and what did I take that day -  £6 which I spent instantly on some local honey - ah well - and so fortunes are made . . . . 

ON a more positive note I became the proud owner of a Silver Reed knitting machine recently - which is daft really because I have had one for three years all locked up in a cupboard covered in dust but this one is white and not the ubiquitous mustard yellow and green - so fickle that I am - I was tempted.

No honestly, the real reason I managed to get it assembled was that it came with a knitting machine table and for all of you who have one lurking away in the closet - get one of those off of E-Bay and get going. It has been completely compulsive - I can see why the relative I inherited it from also had 250 cones to go with it.

Just take a look at these 

With lots of help and advice from my brilliant customers and a lot of You Tube later I came up with these cushion covers (its taken three weeks and a lot of swearing!) and have made so many of the darned things there really is nowhere to sit in my house - unless you sit on a cushion that is! 

That's it for now - but couldn't go without letting you all have a quick peep at the prizewinning pooches:

1 comment:

  1. Three weeks well spent though, Bron. Lovely cushion covers.
